Oh, blessed summer…
As the growing daylight of Spring called us into expansiveness, we now revel in the illumination and inspiration that Summer’s light provides.
We surrender any resistance that separates us from the authenticity that is our most Divine Self. Instead, we stand in obedience – in alignment, if you will – to the grace and power that Essence brings.
Oh, blessed summer…
We risk so much when we remain in confusion, ignoring the exploration and education that life offers. May we know when to employ flexibility, when to express tenderness, when to bring the fire of enthusiasm to the causes that need our passion.
It is Spirit’s mandate to share kindness with the sisterhood/brotherhood of our local and world communities, to continuously reinforce our soul commitment to live purposefully and lovingly.
Oh, blessed summer…
We also live with the mandate to be present to each moment, to experience delight, to lighten our energy with humor. May we experience summer’s relaxation. May we know the energetic clarity that the brightness and longer days bring us.
May we share this light with each other and around the planet, throughout this blessed summer.
I just opened my email to find this solstice blessing…..but I find it to be a most beautiful prayer as well…… I will print it out and place on my altar. What a beautiful way to end my day Janet and start another. Much love sent your way. Lynn
Pam Kristan
Many thanks, Janet, for creating the blessing from all our cards. You have a true gift for that!