
Akashic Records Readings: Start the New Year with Insight

Looking for Guidance as you step into 2025? Curious to gain perspective on the past year? The Akashic Records are the spiritual dimension that holds your soul's archive - the information that is your Essence - who you really are at your highest vibration. Consulting the Records brings insight, wisdom, and support. Akashic Records Readings …

Healing Treatments & Akashic Readings at Awentree

Snow Date: February 22, 2025 Sound Sound healing combined with chakra clearing work helps you clear blocked energy and calibrate vibrationally at your Best, Highest Self level. Akashic Records Readings bring insight, information, and support to the issues and concerns that are up for you. Customize your session by booking a Treatment or a Reading …

Tune In, Tune Up! The Healing Power of Sound

When the instruments of the orchestra are in tune, the symphony sounds glorious.  When your system – made up of an orchestra of physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual elements – is in tune, you move through life harmoniously, aligned, with ease.  The healing power of sound helps you tune in to your deepest self. It then …

Spring into Gratitude!

Practicing gratitude consciously can have positive, transformative results on all levels of being –- spiritually, mentally, and physically. As a heart-centered practice, gratitude can provide the energetic basis for shift, change, and feeling better about yourself and your life.   In this workshop, you’ll explore gratitude through personal reflection, discussion and interaction. You’ll experience a sound …


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Watertown, MA

Spiral Energies, Janet Kessenich