There’s a spring in our step as we step into Spring…
Winter’s cold and dark required that we hold with faith Nature’s promise of change. We surrendered to Winter’s gifts and used our time well – turning within, hibernating, practicing our flexibility. We risked stepping out of that which was comfortable and easy, we built our strength.
Oh, blessed Spring! Now we are here. We are through the portal. Our patience has carried us into the next season.
We stand in wonder and awe at the celebration of new life, growth, and color that accompanies us in Spring. May we always be present to Nature’s beauty, its abundance. May we note what is around us and feel the exuberance of enthusiasm and joy.
May we be playful and light-hearted! May we bless each other with compassion and love, respect and kindness.
Oh, blessed Spring! Your rains will bring purification, your winds the voice of Spirit.
It is our highest intention to hold ourselves with integrity. We stand in full commitment to being our most authentic, Essence Self. We will travel through this season aligned with the Divine, sharing this energy with all we meet.
Oh, blessed Spring, we welcome you, we thank you!
This blessing was created from the angel card qualities (italicized) chosen for participants at the Spring Equinox Ritual & Sound Healing. The next ritual will celebrate and honor the Summer Solstice and will meet on Tuesday, June 20th at 7:30 pm (on zoom). Please join us!
Pam Kristan
Lovely, as always, Janet.