With Anne Starr & Pam Kristan
- Is there a spiritual lesson in rests, those seemingly insignificant moments we hardly notice in a musical performance?
- How does musical improvisation help us develop a spiritual life?
- Can memorizing a song make for a more touching, spirit-filled performance?
Spiritual lessons are offered to us all the time and through all means. While transitioning from musician to holistic practitioner, Creating a Spirited Life host Janet Kessenich realized that music had been the gateway through which many of her spiritual beliefs and practices had emerged.
Embedded in encounters with her most significant teachers, in music theory itself, and in personal life experiences were the kernels of wisdom that became Music Lessons for the Spirit, a collection of eight essays about music and spirituality.
Join Janet and her guests, Anne Starr and Pam Kristan as they discuss the spiritual lessons discovered in music, in life, on Through the Gateway: Music Lessons for the Spirit. Show airs Sunday, February 21 at 8 PM on Creating a Spirited Life.
Anne Starr is an executive coach, facilitator and researcher working with leaders and their teams in higher education, professional services, health care, philanthropy, global non-profits, manufacturing and finance, including UCLA, UC Davis, MIT, Tulane and Education Development Center. She draws on over 15 years experience serving as business liaison to Peter Senge, facilitating the development and implementation of complex events and organizational change initiatives around the world. In that capacity she worked with a diverse group of business leaders, thought leaders and consultants in organizational learning, appreciative inquiry and emotional intelligence. She developed her interviewing skills over 7 years as a partner in retained executive search, placing leaders in high tech, finance, manufacturing and biotechnology. She began her career at MIT, serving as Human Resources Officer for the Sloan School of Management.
Anne has an abiding interest in how the ability to recognize and embrace complexity influences one’s capacity to take effective action. Her You Are Here Mapping process draws on in-depth interviewing to surface systemic patterns that, when seen, allow for more choice and freedom of movement. She is certified by the Coaches Training Institute and is credentialed by the International Coach Federation. She is an ongoing student and active practitioner of Emergent Learning. She is co-author, with Bill Torbert, of “Timely and Transforming Leadership Inquiry and Action: Toward Triple-loop Awareness,” (Integral Review, 2005). Anne holds an MBA from Simmons College.
Pam Kristan has offered time management and personal organization skills training and consulting for over 30 years, helping thousands of individuals and organizations find practical, creative strategies to make their lives effective and comfortable. She is the author of Awakening In Time: Practical Time Management for Those on a Spiritual Path (2010) and The Spirit of Getting Organized: 12 Skills to Find Meaning and Power in Your Stuff (2003).
Experience as administrator, trainer, and classical musician gives her a unique position bridging the creative and the practical. Her work has appeared in Prevention magazine, Men’s Health, the Boston Sunday Globe, the ADHD Journal. She has been seen and heard on broadcast media.