Reggie Odom calls it our greatness; I call it our magnificence. Whatever it’s called, “it” is ESSENCE – our Highest Self, Love, the Divine Within. Reggie and I set aside the vocabulary issue and agree that we are each fully worthy, great, and magnificent in our Essence and that Spirit calls us to embody our Essence and share our best Self in all we do.
Believing this is one step – living it is another. Reggie and I will discuss the obstacles and roadblocks that impede our Essence embodiment by talking through our philosophies and exploring her “Ten Commandments of Greatness.” Join us Sunday, August 16th at 8 PM ET for Creating a Spirited Life: Honoring and Manifesting Your Magnificent Essence.
Reggie Odom [] is passionate about authenticity, about aliveness and about connection.
About watching people’s eyes light up, and hearing their voices come alive when they touch and express deep truths about themselves they had forgotten, held back or hidden away.
As a Spiritual Teacher, Professional Coach and Life Purpose Hand Analyst, Reggie works with professional women to express their Spiritual Power through their Personal Uniqueness, speak up for what matters most to them and bring themselves fully, passionately and peacefully to life.