Nature’s Transformation from spring into summer is complete!
The sun is high in the sky, the light reaches wide from early morning to late evening.
Its illumination guides us into Understanding and Clarity as we use our Highest Discernment to inspire our thoughts and actions, to guide our own transformation.
Ah, the Purification the summer rains bring, the Flexibility that comes with summer’s breezes!
We sit on our porches and on the beaches, full of a Contentment that reaches to the Depth of our being.
Whether the day is cloudy or sunny, we invite gentle Humor to temper our mood. Cloudy or sunny, we hold ourselves and each other with Kindness.
In good times and hard, we Support each other by standing in the Truth of Divine love, in Spirit’s full Enthusiasm, in the richness of grace.
Blessed summer, we welcome you.