It was the proverbial Monday morning slam – I was supposed to be meditating, but instead, my quiet time became my “list making time.”
All my agendas for the week came at me – work projects, household tasks, appointments and commitments.
I was instantly overwhelmed and frozen – with too much to do and feeling anxious about getting it done. And, of course, the creativity I needed to tap into went missing – lost in my fear and resistance.
But, as I finished “meditating” that morning, I did have the presence of mind to ask Spirit to please help me – please help me get moving on these agendas.
And, this is what happened. As I was opening my eyes, I heard two words, JUST START.
The words felt spoken by Source, and I wrote them down, then kept them in front of me all week long. Whenever I felt stymied, unsure what to do, frozen in resistance, I thought, “Janet, just start.”
So, I did. I set my timer and spent 15 minutes on one project at a time…just starting it.
It turned out that those 15 minutes broke the ice and helped me continue working for another 15 minutes.
Fifteen minutes at a time, by applying the “Just Start” principle throughout my week, I moved a lot of projects forward.
I recently learned that PROCRASTINATION is considered a classic form of self-sabotage. Wow! I’d never thought of it that way, but it makes sense.
When we hold back, resist, we get in our own way and we stop producing – thus sabotaging our progress.
Procrastinating means to delay or postpone action. I like the mention of action here – because I want to manifest my dreams and intentions.
And you know what? Manifestation takes action.
Let’s stop sabotaging our dreams and intentions by holding back, by delaying, by feeling overwhelmed and frozen in a ball of helplessness.
Instead, let’s just start. Baby steps, little bits of work, chipping away at your chores – these actions will eventually make inroads into your life work and purpose – and get those weekly tasks done, too.
Denise Benoit
Beautiful, Janet!! Just what I needed to read!
Hope all is well with you.
Peace, Love,
Denise Benoit
Spiral Energies
Thanks for reading, Denise! I’m glad it met a need today.
Wise words! Sometimes just a start can make all the difference. Thanks for sharing these thoughts!
Spiral Energies
You’re so welcome. The advice is simple – but helpful, I hope!
Beth Dewey
Love this Janet! “Just Start” from spirit is wonderful and great job listening to spirit! I am going to use that with 15 minute timer the next time I feel I am procrastinating!
Thank you. 🙂
Big hugs & love,
Spiral Energies
Thanks for commenting, Beth!
I can definitely identify with this. Thank you❤️
Mary J Cockerham
Excellent and inspiring – !!
Spiral Energies
Thanks for reading!